Sydney Travel Tips from Julia Trotti, Aussie Fashion Photographer

Conversations with Locals

You might know of Aussie-born Julia Trotti for her dreamy fashion photography for labels such as Suzi Rose Designs and Bride La Boheme. When she’s not shooting for work, she shoots dreamy landscapes on the side, which have brought her to some of the most beautiful views of the Australian outback. In this interview, Julia shares her favourite Sydney suburbs to get the local experience, why an Australian coffee is not to be missed, and where to get that perfect cup of Joe. 

Photo: Julia Trotti

Where can we go to see your favourite view in Australia?

Kangaroo Valley is my favourite place in Australia. I could spend days exploring the countryside and driving the winding roads up and down mountains. One day I hope to own a little cottage there.

Photo: Julia Trotti

Name one local dish you feel travellers can’t leave Sydney without trying

This isn’t a dish but I will always tell someone visiting Sydney that they can’t leave until they’ve had a cup of locally brewed coffee! If there’s one thing that Sydney does right, it’s coffee.

Where are your favourite restaurants or cafés in Sydney?

The list could be endless, so I’m going to keep it to my favourite two. Flying Fajita Sisters in Glebe for some delicious Mexican, and the Coogee Pavilion in Coogee for some beachside lunch.

Photo: Julia Trotti

What is a typical Australian breakfast for you?

I love eating local organic plain yogurt with some fresh blueberries, strawberries, kiwis and bananas for breakfast. I’ll occasionally add some granola if I’m going to have a big day!

Name your favourite spot in Sydney for a good cup of coffee

Like I mentioned before, one of the things that Sydney does best is coffee so you can pretty much walk into any place that makes coffee and it’ll be a good cup. If you’re in the city centre, a good place to get coffee is the Workshop Espresso in the Queen Victoria Building.

Photo: Julia Trotti

As a local, where would you recommend travellers go to get the true Sydney experience?

While Sydney is known for its Harbour, where you can see the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, I would recommend that you explore the smaller suburbs on foot to experience Sydney more like a local. Suburbs like Newtown, Surry Hills and Darlinghurst have so many amazing local restaurants, coffee shops and Australian designer clothing stores to explore.


Flying Fajita Sisters
Where: 65 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe NSW 2037, Australia
For: Mexican food
Coogee Pavilion
Where: 169 Dolphin St, Coogee NSW 2034, Australia
For: A casual meal by the beach
Workshop Espresso
Where: 500 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
For: Locally brewed coffee


Where: King Street and Enmore Road, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
For: Vintage shops and cafés
Surry Hills
Where: Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia
For: For art galleries and boutiques
Where: Darlinghurst NSW, Australia
For: For restaurants, bars and clubs.


Kangaroo Valley
Region: New South Wales
Where: Kangaroo Valley NSW, Australia
For: Great views

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